Beyond a painful experience, a romantic breakup has consequences on our body! Scientists have been interested in this for a long time, to the point of having published several studies on the issue in recent years.
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If a loved one has just come out of separationseparation painful, keep them to yourself ” that’s life “ and others ” one lost, ten found “. Breaking up is serious, and the doctors say so! First of all, know that separating from someone you love is like entering rehab. Eh yes ! In 2010, American researchers gave MRI scans to 15 people as they looked at a photo of their ex who they were still in love with. The results, published in 2010 in the Journal of Neurophysiology showed that their brain activity was approximately the same as that of drug addicts craving cocaine! Two hormones are to blame: oxytocin and dopamine.
Two hormones at work during a romantic breakup
Oxytocin is the famous love hormone, involved in strengthening social and emotional bonds. It is synthesized in the brain by the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland during intimate moments with your loved one: contacts physicalphysical, cuddles, or sometimes even just the thought of his or her partner! When the relationship ends, the production ofoxytocinoxytocin decreases, which can cause feelings of detachment, lack and loneliness. In addition to this, we must also learn to live with less dopamine, the reward system hormone synthesized during pleasant stimuli. After a breakup, reduced dopamine release can contribute to decreased motivation and well-being. It is the dopaminergic system that is also found at work in the mechanism of emotional dependence. The people affected then experience a real weaningweaning !
Romantic breakup: a real withdrawal!
In another study, published in 2004 in The American Journal Of Psychiatryresearchers have shown the role played by two other hormones which have a field day: cortisolcortisol and theadrenalineadrenaline. Secreted during an episode of stressstress, cortisol’s main role is to mobilize the body so that it can deal with urgent situations, including emotional distress caused by a breakup. And its effects are very real: loss of sleep and appetite, mood disorders. To respond to stress, cortisol can rely on adrenaline. It is responsible for the acceleration of the heart rate, an increase in arterial pressurearterial pressurea expansionexpansion of the bronchibronchi (to facilitate breathing), and mobilization of reserves of glucoseglucose to provide additionalenergyenergy. Sensations that can range from discomfort to symptomssymptoms much more serious, similar to those of a heart attack: we then speak of Takotsubo syndrome (or broken heart disease). Fortunately, this phenomenon remains very rare, and scientists estimate that “withdrawal” from a romantic relationship lasts about three months.