An American family experienced a nightmare when their dishwasher caught fire in their house overnight in the state of Kansas.
Simone Anderson started the cleaning machine before going to bed with her husband, Paul, the Kennedy News.
Her two children, Nola and Ansel, aged four and one, were already dozing.
Less than an hour later, the mother was woken up by smoke detectors. When her husband went down to the kitchen, he saw the “orange glow” of the fire.
“He said there were flames coming out from underneath and next to the dishwasher. It was completely engulfed in flames,” Anderson to the American media.
Mr. Anderson rushed to get his wife and two children out of the residence.
According to him, the fire was too big for him to put out himself.
It was finally the firefighters who brought him under control. According to their investigation, there had been a “malfunction in the depths of the dishwasher.”
Mme Anderson posted a video to TikTok to show the damage from the incident.
“The whole house is unlivable,” Anderson confirmed. “The kitchen will have to be torn down. Every square inch of our house is covered in soot.”
According to the couple, they could have easily died that night. However, they lost all their belongings and memories.
After doing some research and speaking to the firefighters, Anderson learned that devastating appliance fires like this are “much more common than you might think.”
She told the newspaper Newsweek that they would not be able to live in their home for at least six months. They are currently looking for temporary accommodation using the Airbnb app.