While a daily newspaper in a key state for Donald Trump wants to see him give up, his entourage praised his performance.
On Fox News, the co-chair of the national Republican Party and daughter-in-law of the 45th president, Lara Trump, praised the quality of Donald Trump’s debate against President Joe Biden.
“I think it’s a clear victory for him,” she said. “It’s a shame that we don’t hear what a great performance he had. I think it’s probably the best debate of his political career.”
“He didn’t just win because Joe Biden was such an embarrassment, he really knew what to do to get the country back on track and give back to the people,” she added.
Give up
Lara Trump then attacked US Vice President Kamala Harris, who could replace Biden if he decides to withdraw from the race.
“In the polls, she’s as bad if not worse than Biden,” Lara Trump said. “(The Democrats) have a big problem on their hands right now.”
She called the possibility that the Democratic Party would choose a candidate other than Biden or Harris an “assault on democracy.”
After the debate between Trump and Biden, the New York Times called on the latter to drop out of the race.
On Saturday, the Philadelphia Inquirer also published an editorial calling for Trump to step down. The newspaper noted that he told about thirty lies during the debate. Pennsylvania is seen as an important swing state that could swing to the Republican or Democratic side next November.