The sperm microbiota is not the best known. Yet new research shows that its balance may play a role in fertility.
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There are many studies on the human microbiome and its involvement in many diseases. If we know the intestinal microbiota and the vaginal microbiota, it turns out that sperm can also have its own microbiota. Sperm and seminal fluid are bacteria-free for much of the way from the testicles, but this changes at the end of the penispenis. A team of researchers led by the University of California has found a link between the bacterial composition of the sperm microbiota and the mobility of spermsperm. For any microbiota, the balance between bacteria contributes to good health.
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The link between bacteria and fertility
The results of the study published in Nature Scientific Reports reveal that the concentration of Lactobacillus iners, a particular bacteria, could have a direct impact on male fertility. This bacteria producesacidacid Inflammatory L-lactic acid, which reduces sperm motility in some speciesspecies.
The researchers recruited 73 adult men presenting for a fertility assessment or a fertility consultation. vasectomyvasectomy after having already had children. The semen of the 27 men with abnormal sperm motility contained a greater quantity of Lactobacillus iners than that of the 46 men whose sperm motility was normal. “ Our research aligns with evidence from smaller studies and will pave the way for future, more comprehensive investigations to elucidate the complex relationship between sperm microbiota and fertility. “, said the authors.