Protective effects of cannabis on cognition, really? For the first time, a study examined the type, frequency and method of cannabis use, focusing on an older population than usual. Results to be confirmed in longer term studies.
According to a study published in Current Alzheimer Research, recreational cannabis use (i.e., for pleasure) may be associated with a decreased risk of “subjective cognitive decline” (SCD) in adults over the age of 45, compared to non-users. . Note that people with DCS have a twice the risk of dementia, for which there is still no treatment.
Nearly 4,800 U.S. adults ages 45 and older shared their data from the 2021 U.S. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. DCS was a self-reported increase in confusion or memory loss during this that year. The type of cannabis (medical or recreational), frequency and method of consumption (e.g. smoking, eating, vaping) were considered in the results.
Differences between recreational and medical cannabis
There was no difference in the odds of DCS based on frequency and method of cannabis use. On the contrary, the difference in composition between medical cannabis (with a higher CBD content) and recreational cannabis (with a higher CBD content) THCTHC) could explain these results. “ Non-medical users often use cannabis to improve their sleepsleep and reduce their stressstress, relates a press release. Poor sleep and chronic stress increase the risk of dementia, so protection in DCS may come from the improved sleep and stress relief that cannabis provides. »
If the study suggests that cannabis has benefits on the cognition of people over 45, it is essential to conduct longitudinal studies over several years. “ We need it to see if non-medical cannabis use protects our cognitioncognition over time. This is something we don’t know yet, but this research is hampered by the fact that cannabis remains illegal at the federal level. », Specified Roger Wong, assistant professor in the department of public health and preventive medicine.