One of the major crimes committed by the tyrants is the demolition of countries in order to preserve their thrones, and Syria was one of the prominent cases where the ousted President Bashar al -Assad was keen to demolish the state.
When the population in Syria reaches approximately 30 million, according to the annual statistical book data for 2023 issued by the Central Bureau of Statistics in Syria, we find that the number of migrants forcibly from Syria was estimated at about 6 million people due to the war that Assad launched on the revolution of his people during the period between 2012 and 2024 And, which means that immigrants reached 20%.
With the success of the Syrian revolution in late 2024 and the demise of Assad’s rule, reconstruction became urgent necessities. At the heart of the reconstruction process, the reconstruction of human capital, which is more important than the components of economic resources, is without human wealth, there is no value for natural and financial resources.
The human capital in its simple concept is the human wealth of human wealth with its components and characteristics, from education and health, contributing to the workforce, its ability to innovate and develop, and the continuation of the process of human inheritance through growth rates for the population that meets the requirements of society in various aspects of life.
Labor force in Syria
In Syria, it needs to be rapidly updating data after the Syrian revolution succeeded in uniting almost full of Syrian lands.
Until the full data is available, what is present through the annual statistical book of Syria for the year 2023 can be built on it, along with what the relevant international organizations publish on immigration or human rights, so that we can take a picture of the Syrian human capital.
The population of Syria in 2022 amounted to 29.6 million, of whom 14.7 million are males and 14.8 million for females, and the population growth rate in the same year was 2.45%. The population pyramid in Syria is characterized by the emergence of the category capable of work, as the age group from 15 to 60 years constitute 57% of the population.
The workforce in Syria is 5.9 million, of whom 4.5 million workers and 1.4 million are unemployed.
As for the contribution of the various economic authorities in providing job opportunities, it comes:
- Service sector in the introduction is about 1.6 million jobs.
- The trade, hotels and restaurants sector is about 850 thousand jobs.
- Then the agriculture sector with about 671.6 thousand jobs.
- The money, insurance and real estate sector was the least of 55.7 thousand jobs.
With regard to workers in the government sector,::
- The education sector is the highest among the different economic sectors in terms of providing job opportunities at about 321 thousand jobs.
- And the health sector of about 84 thousand jobs.
- Then the interior is 55.6 thousand jobs.
- Higher education is 38.3 thousand jobs.
Human wealth losses
The situation created by Bashar al-Assad in Syria during the war (2012-2024) resulted in the death of 231.4 thousand people, and the arrest of about 157.6 thousand others, including forced hiding cases, according to the estimates of the Syrian Network for Human Rights, and the numbers of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees went until The number of Syrian refugees in 5 Arab countries reached about 4.6 million refugees.
We must bear in mind that other numbers immigrated outside Syria and did not register themselves refugees, but they lived outside Syria immigrants, and thus the number of Syrian immigrants in some sources is estimated at about 6 million immigrants.
Of the 6 million people who immigrated outside Syria, competencies, professions and crafts vary, which undoubtedly contributed – in addition to the circumstances of the war – to the decline in the performance of the gross domestic product of Syria, and the humility of its external dealings on the economic and commercial levels.
In Germany, which takes care of human wealth, especially distinguished competencies, it is estimated that the number of Syrian doctors in it is estimated at more than 6 thousand doctors, and there are others working in the field of medical care from non -doctors, nurses and specialists in radiology, analyzes, and others.
Referring to the numbers of the Syrian Statistical Office, the number of doctors in Syria is estimated at 36.5 thousand doctors in 2022, and if Germany alone attracted a percentage of approximately 17% of the total Syrian doctors, then what do we do with the rest of the countries? It is a question that can also be asked to the rest of the sectors, professions and crafts.
In non -Germany, for example, Turkey, Syrian immigrants showed a scientific superiority in various fields, which prompted Ankara to grant them citizenship, especially in the fields of engineering, medicine, and others, and like Turkey, other countries have done to grant Syrian immigrants their nationality because of their professional distinction and scientific experiences.
Reconstruction and return strategy
Syria remains for its basic structure for education and health, through which it is possible to complete the replacement and compensation of those competencies that migrated and may not be returned in the short term, and from here it is necessary to provide conditions that enable the benefit of the capabilities and capabilities of the Syrian immigrants through the following:
- The presence of an entity concerned with immigrant affairs, focusing on adopting a plan to secure their return and ways to communicate with them from now, and facilitate everything that would benefit from their efforts in rebuilding Syria.
- Placing a perception of the possibility of benefiting from immigrants, even for specific times, such as returning on regular holidays throughout the year, and employing their experience in developing medical, educational, engineering and other services, provided that there is a plan to return the largest percentage of immigrants in the medium and long term.
- Providing the opportunity for migrants to participate in the reconstruction in Syria through their financial and professional capabilities, and allowing participation in exchange for voluntary participation or participation, or overcoming obstacles in front of those who wish to establish his own project.
- That the strategy of benefiting from immigrants is based on the participation of all the people of Syria, and away from the political classification, and this completes that the new administration has a vision to build Syria in a comprehensive framework of its geography and for all its children.
- There is an important requirement from education institutions in Syria, related to focusing on the quality of education outcomes, and their association with the labor market in the professional and craftsmanship, so that it can contribute to filling the gap created by the phenomenon of immigration.
- It is expected that the return of migrants from neighboring countries to Syria, especially those who reside in tents, and therefore it is preferable to prepare rehabilitation programs for these people to be an addition to the human capital and a source to increase the effectiveness of the workforce.
Here we review the most important challenges:
- Delaying the reconstruction process, and the lack of appropriate services throughout the day, such as electricity services or securing transitions inside Syria, in a manner that ensures the safety of the transfer of individuals and freedom of ownership and investment for all the people of Syria in its various geographical regions.
- The lack of preparedness of the situation in Syria after the revolution in providing appropriate job opportunities and salaries for the competencies that migrated.
- The state of social stability that was available to some cadres, especially those that worked in Europe and America or in Arab countries where they had job opportunities and investment, and it is difficult to abandon this situation in the short term. If this is possible for the generation of parents, it may be very difficult for the generation of children who have been associated with the countries of the Diaspora with educational systems and the advantages of the labor market.
- The freedom to travel and move abroad in Syria after the revolution will be a challenge to the new Syrian administration, so that residents of Syria currently can search for opportunities for temporary migration, especially for the generation of young people looking for better living conditions to compensate for the years of deprivation and the war that Assad set up in Syria.