Al Jazeera Net correspondents
Cotton is the most popular product in the world for making clothing and various textiles. It has played a pivotal role in the global textile industry for centuries, and the world produces about 25 million tons of it annually.
Cotton has hundreds of essential uses in our lives in addition to clothing:
- Its hair (the short fluff found on the seeds) is used to make plastics.
- It is also used in the manufacture of high-quality paper products, furniture, and car cushions.
- Cotton seeds are used to produce cooking oil.
- The seed husks are also used as feed for livestock and poultry.
- Cotton stalks and leaves are used to enrich the soil, according to the US National Cotton Council.
The 10 largest cotton producing countries in the world
For more than 4 decades, China has been at the forefront of cotton-producing countries in the world, benefiting from the large area of fertile land that it owns, suitable for cotton cultivation.
And in the 2023/2024 season China’s production reached Of cotton 27.5 million bales (one bale of cotton weighs approximately 480 pounds), representing 24% of global production.
China has an advanced agricultural infrastructure, extensive scientific research, and advanced technology that contribute to enhancing its high production capacity.
This is a list of the 10 largest cotton-producing countries in the world in 2023, according to what the Foreign Agricultural Service of the US Department of Agriculture stated:
- China: 27.5 million bales (24% of global production)
- India: 25.5 million bales (23% of global production)
- Brazil: 14.56 million bales (13% of global production)
- United States: 12.1 million bales (11% of global production)
- Pakistan: 6.7 million bales (6% of global production)
- Australia: 4.8 million bales (4% of global production)
- Türkiye: 3.2 million bales (3% of global production)
- Uzbekistan: 2.9 million bales (3% of global production)
- Argentina: 1.6 million bales (1% of global production)
- Mali: 1.3 million bales (1% of global production)
The 10 largest cotton exporting countries in the world
The textile industry remains the cornerstone of the global economy, and at its heart lies the cotton trade, with total global exports of cotton fibre, yarn and woven fabrics reaching $63.8 billion in 2022.
China leads the group with a staggering $13.3 billion in exports, confirming its pivotal role in the global textile industry.
The United States comes in a strong second place, exporting $10.7 billion worth of cotton goods, supported by advanced agricultural techniques and a strong focus on sustainable practices. American cotton is famous for its quality, a factor that has helped maintain its position in the global market.
India boasts huge exports worth $6.9 billion, which reflects its rich history in cotton cultivation and textile production.
Although it is not among the world’s top 10 producing countries, Vietnam has entered the global arena with its rapidly growing textile and apparel industry. The country has witnessed significant growth in textile manufacturing and export capacity, attracting investments from global brands and retailers.
Vietnam’s cotton production supports a thriving clothing industry, making it a major player in the global textile market.
The following are the world’s top 10 exporting countries of cotton fibres, yarn and woven cotton fabrics in 2022, according to the Global Textile Research Center:
- China: $13.3 billion
- United States: $10.7 billion
- India: $6.9 billion
- Brazil: $3.9 billion
- Pakistan: $3.4 billion
- Vietnam: $3.3 billion
- Australia: $3.1 billion
- Türkiye: $2.3 billion
- Uzbekistan: $1.6 billion
- Italy: $1.4 billion
The 10 largest cotton importing countries in the world
The value of global purchases of imported cotton reached $60.2 billion in 2022, and overall, the value of cotton purchased by all importing countries has increased by an average of 13.7% since 2018 when the value of global imported cotton reached $52.9 billion.
From a continental perspective:
- Asian countries purchased more than two-thirds of total cotton imports (67.9%), in order to support their textile industries, the basic components of which are cotton.
- A smaller proportion of the global total was imported by buyers in Europe, 13.8%.
- Latin America accounted for 8.1% of purchases.
- Africa’s share was 6.2%.
- and North America by 3.8%.
- Then Oceania with 0.2%, led by Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.
The following is a list of the top 10 cotton importing countries in the world in 2022, as reported by the “World’s Top Export” platform:
- China: $9.3 billion (15.4% of total imported cotton)
- Bangladesh: $8.6 billion (14.3%)
- Vietnam: $5.6 billion (9.3%)
- Türkiye: $4.8 billion (8%)
- Indonesia: $2.2 billion (3.7%)
- Pakistan: $2.1 billion (3.4%)
- India: $1.7 billion (2.9%)
- Italy: $1.5 billion (2.5%)
- South Korea: $1.23 billion (2%)
- Honduras: $1.17 billion (1.9%)
The 5 largest cotton producing Arab countries
In the Arab world, Sudan, Egypt and Syria are considered among the Arab countries that produce the most cotton. However, cotton cultivation in the two countries, as in the rest of the Arab countries, suffers from internal problems or disturbances.
The following are the most prominent cotton-producing countries in the Arab world in 2023, according to what was reported by the Foreign Agricultural Service platform of the US Department of Agriculture:
- Sudan: 600 thousand bales
- Egypt: 350 thousand bales
- Syria: 160 thousand bales
- Iraq: 15 thousand bales
- Yemen: 8 thousand bales