One of three drivers involved in a spectacular accident on the I-95 highway in the United States last Thursday played the hero by saving another motorist from certain death.
“Everything was on fire, my truck and the two other vehicles,” Hazeth Aracena testified in an interview with CNN.
Capture taken from CNN
“The truth is, I don’t know how I managed to survive the accident,” he added.
The 35-year-old man filmed the impressive fire which broke out following a collision between three vehicles, including two trucks, near an overpass in the state of Connecticut.
Capture taken from CNN
Crackling sounds can be heard in the video obtained by the American media, a sign that fuel is burning, according to expert analyses.
The smoke that emanates from these types of fires is very toxic and they are notorious for projecting large amounts of heat.
Responsible motorist
“It was a day like any other,” said the trucker, but the day quickly turned into an extraordinary event.
The father of six was on his way to Philadelphia on I-95 to pick up a shipment when his vehicle was struck on the side by a tanker truck.
Capture taken from CNN
According to information from the American authorities, a motorist involved in the accident with the two trucks was responsible for the incident.
Mr. Aracena also claimed during his interview with the CNN journalist that he had rescued the driver of the burning car. However, he reportedly suffered major burns to his back and legs.
“There was fire everywhere,” said Mr. Aracena’s lawyer, who accompanied him for the interview. This man said to himself (pointing at the trucker), ‘I’m going to answer the call,’ and he saved another person’s life.”
Capture taken from CNN
“These are scenes that we see in Hollywood films,” added the lawyer.
Mr. Aracena mentioned that he hopes, however, that the motorist involved in this accident will be more careful on the road in the future.