by Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo
A team of researchers analyzed more than a million galaxies to explore the origin of current cosmic structures, as reported in a recent study published in Physical examination D as a suggestion from the editors.
Until today, precise observations and analyzes of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structure (LSS) have led to the establishment of the standard framework of the universe, called the ΛCDM model, in which cold dark matter (CDM) and dark energy (the cosmological constant, Λ) are significant features.
This model suggests that primordial fluctuations were generated at the beginning of the universe, or at the beginning of the universe, and acted as triggers, leading to the creation of all things in the universe, including stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and their spatial distribution in space. . Although very small when generated, the fluctuations increase over time due to the force of gravitational attraction, eventually forming a dense region of dark matter, or a halo. Then different halos collided and merged repeatedly, leading to the formation of celestial objects such as galaxies.
Since the nature of the spatial distribution of galaxies is strongly influenced by the nature of the primordial fluctuations that created them, statistical analyzes of the distribution of galaxies have been actively carried out to explore by observation the nature of the primordial fluctuations. In addition to this, the spatial configuration of galaxy shapes spread over a large area of the universe also reflects the nature of the underlying primordial fluctuations (Figure 1).
However, conventional analysis of large-scale structures has focused only on the spatial distribution of galaxies as points. More recently, researchers have begun to study galaxy shapes because they not only provide additional information, but also offer a different perspective on the nature of primordial fluctuations (Figure 2).
A team of researchers, led by then-graduate student Toshiki Kurita at the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) (currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics), and Professor Masahiro Takada from Kavli IPMU. developed a method for measuring the power spectrum of galaxy shapes, which extracts key statistical information from galaxy shape models by combining spectroscopic data of the spatial distribution of galaxies and imaging data of individual galaxy shapes.
Researchers simultaneously analyzed the spatial distribution and shape of approximately 1 million galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), the world’s largest galaxy survey to date.
As a result, they managed to constrain the statistical properties of the primordial fluctuations that seeded the formation of the structure of the entire universe.
They discovered a statistically significant alignment of the orientations of the shapes of two galaxies more than 100 million light years apart (Figure 3). Their results showed that there are correlations between distant galaxies whose formation processes are apparently independent and not causally related.
“In this research, we were able to place constraints on the properties of primordial fluctuations through the statistical analysis of the “shapes” of many galaxies obtained from large-scale structure data. There are few precedents for research using shapes of galaxies to explore the physics of the early universe and the research process, from the construction of the idea and the development of analysis methods to the actual analysis of the data, was a series of tests and of errors.
“For this reason, I faced many challenges. But I am happy that I was able to overcome them during my doctoral program. I believe that this achievement will be the first step to open a new field of research in cosmology using the shapes of galaxies.” Kurita said.
Furthermore, a detailed study of these correlations confirmed that they are consistent with the correlations predicted by inflation and do not exhibit a non-Gaussian characteristic of the primordial fluctuation.
“This research is the result of Toshiki’s doctoral thesis. It is a wonderful research achievement in which we developed a method to validate a cosmological model using the shapes and distributions of galaxies, applied it to data, then tested the physics of inflation. research topic that no one had ever done before, but he followed the three steps: theory, measurement and application. Congratulations! I am very proud of the fact that we were able to achieve all three steps. Unfortunately, I did not achieve any great breakthrough in detecting new inflation physics, but we have paved the way for future research. We can expect to open up other areas of research using the Subaru Prime Focus spectrograph,” Takada said.
The methods and results of this study will allow future researchers to further test the theory of inflation.
More information:
Toshiki Kurita et al, Constraints on anisotropic primordial non-Gaussianity from intrinsic alignments of SDSS-III BOSS galaxies, Physical examination D (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.108.083533. On arXiv: DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2302.02925
Provided by the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo
Quote: Researchers study a million galaxies to discover how the universe began (December 22, 2023) retrieved December 22, 2023 from
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