Gelatinous electrolyte composed of lithium chloride and gallium fluoride shows promise for improving batteries. Credit: Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
You’ve probably experienced the fear of a phone suddenly dead and taking a glacially slow time to charge. Add to that headphones or laptops that die at the most inopportune moments. And maybe you’ve been putting off buying an electric car because of the limited range (or high price). These battery failures and charge collapses are caused by shortcomings in the lithium-ion batteries that power current technology.
But recent research at the National High Magnetic Fields Laboratory, based at Florida State University, is advancing work on a new, improved type of battery. The results are published in Scientists progress.
Scientists are seeking to transition from the liquid electrolyte lithium-ion batteries that have powered our devices for 30 years to solid-state systems that can meet the needs of the next generation of electronics. Solid-state batteries are safer and reduce the risk of fire when a battery is damaged, short-circuited, or overheated. And solid-state batteries also offer higher energy densities and longer cycle life.
“Right now, you may notice that with your iPhones or tablets, they have a set amount of time before the battery dies or before you need to get a new one. Ideally, for solid-state batteries, they can last longer,” said FSU doctoral student Erica Truong.
But a major drawback has prevented wider use of solid-state batteries. They are expensive to produce and difficult to manufacture in large quantities.
Truong is part of Florida State University chemistry and biochemistry professor Yan-Yan Hu’s research team, which is working to develop solid-state battery systems that improve performance and are commercially viable.
“In this study, we examined a new solid electrolyte design that can be generally applied to other systems to improve their performance,” Truong said.
Electrolytes play a crucial role in batteries, acting as a separator between the cathode (or negative terminal) and the anode (or positive terminal). They facilitate the movement of ions between the electrodes, allowing the battery to charge when connected to a power supply or provide energy when connected to a device such as a phone.
The FSU team analyzed the structures and properties of a promising electrolyte composed of lithium chloride and gallium fluoride. They discovered a strategy capable of efficiently promoting the transport of ions in solid electrolytes.
Using MagLab’s solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance systems, the researchers examined in detail the structural features of the gel-like electrolyte that contribute to ion transport. The investigation found that chlorine and fluorine combine in what is called charge pooling, releasing lithium ions.
This results in fast charging and longer battery life.
“The charge clustering phenomenon helps weaken the bond between the lithium and the other components, so the lithium can move more quickly and efficiently through the electrolyte,” Truong said. “What’s also interesting about this material is that it’s not purely solid; it’s more like clay.”
This clay-like quality means the material can be shaped and molded to fit any space.
“This could be beneficial because it can integrate better into the battery, thereby improving the contact between the electrolyte and the electrodes,” Truong explained.
The project was in collaboration with Samsung through its Advanced Institute of Technology, which initially designed and synthesized the lithium chloride and gallium fluoride electrolyte in 2021.
Samsung is one of many electronics companies searching for the ideal solid-state battery that improves performance, improves safety and can be manufactured at scale quickly and inexpensively.
FSU researchers believe their findings will inspire new frontiers in battery design, including solid electrolytes using sodium, calcium or magnesium, leading to batteries whose performance “far exceeds state-of-the-art batteries.” ‘art “.
More information:
Sawankumar V. Patel et al, Fast ionic conduction induced by charge clustering in 2LiX-GaF 3: A strategy for electrolyte design, Scientists progress (2023). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj9930
Provided by Florida State University
Quote: Research identifies factors needed for better battery design (February 12, 2024) retrieved February 12, 2024 from
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