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Promising trial results indicate that a new type of cell therapy could improve the prognosis of critically ill people with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) resulting from severe COVID-19.
The results are published in the journal Natural communications. Professor Justin Stebbing from Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) is co-senior author of the new study investigating the use of T-797, the allogeneic, unmodified invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cell therapy. MiNK Therapeutic.
iNKT cell therapy works to rescue exhausted T cells and trigger an anti-inflammatory cytokine response, potentially activating antiviral immunity to help these patients fight infection as well as reduce severe and pathogenic inflammation lungs.
The new research was conducted at three medical centers and found that the agent T-797, which is also being tested in cancer, could be manufactured quickly, had a tolerable safety profile and appeared to have a positive effect on mortality in seriously ill people. -19 ARDS patients receiving intensive care.
The exploratory trial included 20 mechanically ventilated patients with severe ARDS secondary to COVID-19. Of the 20 patients in the trial, 14 survived (70%) at 30 days (compared to a 10% control group), and the incidence of bacterial pneumonia was reduced by 80% among those who received the highest dose of agent T-797. , compared to those who received fewer cells.
Twenty-one patients were treated in total (the main trial, plus one in the compassionate use setting), five of whom were also receiving venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO), known as most aggressive life-saving approach” for critically ill patients. patients with ARDS. In VV-ECMO, deoxygenated blood is pumped through a lung membrane and returned to the body via a cannula.
This trial is believed to be the first immune cell therapy of any type to be used in critically ill patients undergoing VV-ECMO. Survival of the VV-ECMO cohort was 80% after 30 and 90 days and 60% after 120 days. This compares favorably to the overall survival of 51% for COVID-19 patients who were treated with VV-ECMO alone at the same institution, during the same time period.
Professor Stebbing said: “During this small exploratory study, we observed that the iNKT cell treatment of MiNK, which is also advanced for people with cancer, triggered an anti-inflammatory response in patients with ARDS. .
“Despite a poor prognosis, critically ill patients treated with this therapy showed favorable mortality rates and those treated at the highest dose also had reduced rates of pneumonia, highlighting the potential application of iNKT cells, and l agent T-797 in particular, in the treatment of viral diseases. and infections more broadly.
“AgenT-797 was manufactured quickly and, instead of using patients’ own cells, it is ‘commercially available’ and made using cells from healthy donors. The potential for this therapy to be used in a number of serious infections warrants randomized controlled trials. »
Dr. Marc van Dijk, Scientific Director of MiNK and co-author of the study, said: “These published results reinforce the unique power and potential of iNKT cells to alleviate severe acute respiratory distress. The data demonstrate the encouraging survival benefit of agent T-797. , ability to help eliminate secondary infections and tolerable administration in ventilated patients and those receiving VV-ECMO support.
More information:
A Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial of Invariant Natural Killer T Cell Therapy in Moderate to Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Natural communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-44905-z
Provided by Anglia Ruskin University
Quote: New cell therapy shows promise in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (February 6, 2024) retrieved February 6, 2024 from
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