A Mississippi TikTok user has gone viral after sharing the heartbreaking story of the Thursday debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
Taylor Byrne, better known as Queen Tay on TikTok, said her father was watching the contestants clash when he started stuttering and stumbling.
His wife and the TikTok star’s mother initially thought her husband was imitating Joe Biden to make fun of him, says Taylor Byrne.
However, the family quickly realized that the father was not well and he was taken to hospital, as he appeared to have suffered a stroke.
Doctors discovered that the man had suffered a brain hemorrhage. He remains in hospital, having lost the ability to speak and walk.
His daughter has also launched a crowdfunding campaign on the GofundMe platform to help pay for particularly expensive medical care.
So far, more than $20,000 ($27,000) has been raised.
The video in which Queen Tay reported her mother’s mistake has been viewed by more than 11.5 million people on TikTok, garnering 2.3 million likes and nearly 6,500 comments.