Even though he can count on his vast experience, Joe Biden finds himself for the first time in a situation where being in office is more of a burden than an asset.
• Read also: Trump or Biden? The countdown has begun…
“Uncle Joe”
Experience is an invaluable asset for a politician, but with experience comes advanced age, and Uncle Joe’s age continues to raise fears, which he sometimes manages to defuse with humor (see quote of the week).
The president was able to alleviate these fears, but they have not disappeared. Fortunately, Trump’s snoozing at his trial is a reminder that age is an issue on both sides.
Biden also has a reputation as a bungler. Even if he has been able to control the flow of blunders recently, he is never safe from a mishap that the media will be quick to amplify, while his opponent is immune to such criticism.
A slope to climb
With six months until the election, Biden is in a difficult position.
The electorate’s dissatisfaction with him remains a handicap and the polls of voting intentions are unfavorable to him. Trump’s lead has dwindled, but he would likely win if the election were held today. The polls won’t have any real predictive value until the fall, but it’s still worrying.
Despite Biden’s impressive accomplishments, inflation is a heavy burden for him, even though the United States’ performance in this area is one of the best in the world.
Joe Biden has a steep hill to climb and if this election were solely a referendum on his performance, he would lose it.
Assets in reserve
Fortunately for Biden, this election will be a choice and not a referendum.
Besides the signs of weakening of Donald Trump entangled in his criminal trials and the distressing circus of the Republicans in Congress, Biden has enviable assets.
First, the American economy is robust. Given voters’ short memories, that’s a good sign. With the inflation shock having passed, the good sides of the recovery will be seen more clearly. On social issues, including abortion and health care, Democrats already have a clear advantage.
While Republicans have been doing well in the polls for some time, Democrats have outperformed expectations in recent elections. Moreover, while Trump’s lawyers are siphoning gargantuan sums from his campaign, which is slow to organize, the Democrats are already at work on the ground.
The current president is going a little backwards, but the optimism that we feel in his public performances is matched only by the bitterness and pessimism that we perceive in his opponent.
Joe Biden has not said his last word.
“The election is in full swing and age is an issue. I’m a middle-aged man campaigning against a six-year-old.”
-Joe Biden, before the White House Correspondents Association, April 27.
5.33% The US Federal Reserve kept its key rate between 5.25% and 5.5% at its meeting on Wednesday. The rate has been unchanged since July 2023. The Fed fears an inflationary surge in the coming months, which could harm Joe Biden’s chances of re-election.
“In 2008, my mother encouraged me to accept the offer to be Barack Obama’s running mate by reminding me of the episode of my arrest during an anti-segregation demonstration”
-Joe Biden, in interview with Howard Stern on April 26
The lie detector
FAKE In a recent interview with radio host Howard Stern, Joe Biden opened up about his past, mentioning this anecdote (above), among others. According to Washington Post (January 13, 2022), there is no evidence of this oft-reported arrest by Biden. Although the president does not have the same reputation as an inveterate liar as his opponent, he is sometimes criticized for embellishing his past.