Syrians residing in Turkey have succeeded in achieving rapid and noticeable economic integration, as they have effectively contributed to strengthening various economic and commercial sectors.
Syrian investors in particular played a major role, establishing multiple companies and commercial projects, which contributed to creating new job opportunities and boosting the Turkish economy.
In addition, Syrian workers constituted an important part of the labor force in Turkey, which helped meet the needs of the local market and enhance productivity in several sectors.
Mahmoud Al-Khairi, the owner of a grocery store in the capital Ankara, began his experience in the world of trade three years ago. He opened his store in the Stellar district, which is famous for its large Syrian presence, and within a short period of time he was able to attract customers from Arabs and Turks alike.
Al-Khairi told Al Jazeera Net, “I faced many difficulties at the beginning, especially in obtaining the necessary licenses to open the store. But with time, I adapted to the procedures, and the situation became smoother.”
“There were many challenges such as language and bureaucracy, but I was able to overcome them with the help of friends and acquaintances,” he adds.
He pointed out that many Syrians now prefer to open their own projects instead of working for Turkish companies, explaining that “work for companies is often for low wages and without insurance, which exposes workers to legal problems and forces them to work in more than one place to secure their needs.”
When asked about the impact of the recent campaigns targeting Syrian refugees, Al-Khairi expressed his deep concern, explaining that these campaigns make Syrian traders and investors consider other options, such as traveling outside Turkey if they have the opportunity, because they feel unstable.
“The current challenges make us feel insecure and unstable, and we are seriously considering the options available to us abroad,” he said.
Syrian presence in the Turkish economy
The number of Syrian refugees residing under “temporary protection” in Turkey has reached 3 million, 112 thousand, and 683 people, according to the latest data from the Turkish Immigration Department.
According to a report by the Harmoon Center for Studies, Syrian investments in Turkey are largely concentrated in small and medium-sized projects, such as restaurants, shops, and services. These investments range between $100,000 and companies with capital exceeding $1 million, in addition to holding companies with capital amounting to several million dollars.
Estimates of the size of these investments vary widely, with statements by investors in Gaziantep indicating that the size of investments ranges between one and five billion dollars, while some estimate Syrian investments in Turkey at more than 10 billion dollars.
According to the Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce, the number of licensed Syrian establishments as of March 2023 reached about 3,200 establishments; Syrians represent 10% of its members.
Despite the refugee conditions, Syrians continued to invest in Turkey, as the number of official companies owned by them increased from 4,000 companies in 2016 to 6,000 companies in 2017, while informal and official businesses ranged between 10,000 and 20,000 companies.
According to a study by economic researcher Omar Karabasan, about $10 billion of Syrian money was transferred to Turkey between 2011 and 2016.
According to data from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey for 2023, Syrians have contributed to the establishment of 10,332 companies since 2010 with a capital of approximately $632 million, of which the Syrian share constitutes 80%.
Estimates of the size of Syrian investments remain variable, but the figure of $10 billion seems close to reality, as the contribution of these investments to economic growth amounted to about 27.2 billion Turkish liras at the end of 2017, representing 1.96% of Turkey’s gross domestic product, with an expected increase to 4.05% by 2028, according to a report by the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce.
Fears of deportation
The activity of Syrian investors in Turkey is diverse, including agriculture, manufacturing, construction, trade, hotels, etc. According to a survey issued by the Turkish Economic Policy Research Foundation in February 2021, 59.2% of Syrian workers are classified as “craftsmen,” especially in the “textile and ready-made clothing” and “construction” sectors.
In the agricultural sector, Syrian human capital has become essential. Mehmet Akin Dogan, head of the Adana Chamber of Agriculture, said the presence of Syrians helped protect the agricultural sector, given the difficulty of finding Turkish workers. “If it weren’t for the Syrians, agriculture in Adana and Turkey would have ended,” he said.
Turkish investors have expressed their concerns about the inspection campaigns organized by the Turkish authorities on Syrian refugees to ensure the legality of their presence and work, in addition to campaigns launched by Turkish opposition parties with the aim of restricting refugees, which pushes young Syrians to immigrate to Europe, which will leave a vacuum in the Turkish labor market.
Kayseri, one of Turkey’s most important industrial cities, witnessed violence last week targeting the homes and shops of Syrian refugees, leading to a near-total halt in production.
Syrians make up a third of the workforce in the city’s organized industrial zone, and fear for their lives has forced them to stop working, disrupting production in many factories.
Economic researcher Mohammed Al-Abdallah told Al Jazeera Net that Syrian labor has become a fundamental pillar of the Turkish economy, especially with young Turks’ reluctance to work in the crafts. He stressed the need to monitor business owners to oblige them to provide the necessary papers to Syrians to guarantee their rights.
Al-Abadilah denied the allegations made by the Turkish opposition that Syrians are the reason for the high unemployment rate among Turks, pointing out that employers publish job advertisements with attractive salaries, but they are met with reluctance from young Turks.
He pointed out that the involvement of foreigners in the Turkish economy helps expand the horizons of this market, noting that the percentage of Turkish exports increases with the different nationalities of exporters who find it easy to communicate with the markets of other countries.