The debate between Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump polarized media attention and prompted reactions from several political figures, including former President Barack Obama, who reiterated his support for the politician.
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Former President Barack Obama congratulated the Democratic presidential candidate on the highly anticipated debate on social media, where the billionaire was put in a difficult position by Harris.
“Tonight we saw with our own eyes who has the vision and strength to move this country forward instead of dividing us. @KamalaHarris will be a president for all Americans,” reacted the former Democratic president who suggests getting to work to win the presidential election.
His wife Michelle Obama echoed the sentiment, saying on the same platform: “After tonight’s debate, there should be no doubt – no room for discussion – @KamalaHarris is the only candidate in this race who is ready to become president.”
For the former first lady of the United States, every vote will count in what is considered the tightest race for the White House, because the stakes are “simply too high,” she argued.
“I urge everyone once again to roll up your sleeves and DO SOMETHING: make phone calls, knock on doors, talk to everyone you know and urge them to vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz,” Obama.
Moments before the oratorical duel between Harris and Trump, Hillary Clinton in turn insisted on the need to defeat Donald Trump by calling on Americans to join the Democrats’ fight in a tweet: “We must elect Kamala Harris.”