Tobacco, alcohol, unbalanced diet, sedentary lifestyle, exposure to the sun, here are the five risk factors that can lead to developing cancer later. Five behaviors on which it is possible to act. By changing a few of these habits, half of cancers can be prevented.
In a campaign broadcast from 1er As of April 28, the National Cancer Institute (Inca) warns of preventable cancer risk factors. A useful reminder while, according to the latest BarometerBarometer cancer (2021), 28.8% of French people think that nothing can be done to avoid the disease. However, of the 433,000 cases of cancer detected each year, almost half of them are linked to preventable risk factors. “ Our fellow citizens do not always seem to perceive the right weight of certain lifestyle habits on the occurrence of illness. », Regrets the Inca.
The tobacco
He is the 1er avoidable risk of cancer, responsible for 8 out of 10 lung cancers, 46,000 deaths each year and involved in 17 cancer sites. If tobacco is clearly identified by the French as a risk factor for cancer (80.3%), “ smokers underestimate this risk factor since more than one in five declare that a risk only appears beyond 20 cigarettes smoked per day, and 52.6% place the dangerous threshold above their own consumption », Regrets the Inca.
Another false belief about tobacco: 54.8% of French people also think that “ playing sports helps cleanse your lungs “.
The alcohol
It is the second largest preventable risk factor, responsible for 28,000 new cases of cancer per year and 16,000 deaths each year. Alcohol is the cause of eight cancer sites (oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, etc.). “ Nevertheless, 23.5% of French people continue to think that drinking a glass of wine a day reduces the risk of cancer. », says the Inca.
To avoid the cancers of tomorrow, we must act today. © National Cancer Institute
The responsibility of thealcoholalcohol in the occurrence of breast cancer also remains largely unknown. “ L’World Health OrganizationWorld Health Organization (WHO) indicates that only 21% of women in 14 European countries are aware of the link between excessive alcohol consumption and the risk of developing breast cancerbreast cancer », Underlines the Inca. However, 8,000 breast cancers are linked each year in France to regular alcohol consumption.
Unbalanced diet and overweight
They are each responsible for 19,000 new cases of cancer each year. The Inca reminds us that there is no anti-cancer food but that fibers are nutrientsnutrients protectors. “ Consumption of foods rich in fiber is associated with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer. Fruits and vegetables help prevent the occurrence of aerodigestive cancers as a whole (mouth, pharynx, larynxlarynxnasopharynx, esophagus, lung, stomachstomach and |398487baae0c22a163b9ac12194af5e0|-rectumrectum) », Specifies the anti-cancer institute. Fiber also helps reduce the risk of being overweight. However, only 13% of adults consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day, the recommended daily portion.
Excess red meat and processed meats increase the risk of colorectal cancer. “ Nearly 5,600 new cases of colon cancerscolon cancers and rectum would be attributable to the consumption of red meats and cold meats “.
As for dairy products, consuming less than two per day would contribute to nearly 850 new cases of colorectal cancercolorectal cancer per year.
Physical inactivity
It would be responsible for 3,000 new cases of cancer per year, including liver cancersliver cancers. A sedentary lifestyle is the time spent sitting or lying down, outside of time spent sleepsleep. In an adult, spending more than 8 hours a day sitting or lying down increases health risks, particularly the risk of cancer. It is recommended to move around and get out of the seated posture as soon as possible (during a phone call for example). The WHO also recommends practicing moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week.
Exposure to UV rays
With more than 100,000 new cases per year, skin cancers are the most common cancers. “ The most aggressive cancers, melanomasmelanomasaffect more than 15,550 people each year », adds the Inca. According to the IARC, more than 80% of these cancers are linked to excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sunsunTHE UVUV.
“Protecting yourself from UV rays, and more particularly during childhood when the skin is immature, helps reduce the risk of melanoma,” recommends the Inca.