Aircraft manufacturer Boeing continues to generate ink as one of its emergency slides, supposed to deploy in the event of an emergency landing, detached from the aircraft after a few minutes of a flight last week.
“After the aircraft landed safely and proceeded to a gate, the emergency slide was observed to have separated from the aircraft. Delta fully supports recovery efforts and will fully cooperate with investigations,” Delta airline said following the incident on Friday, according to CBS News.
Minutes after takeoff Friday from John International Airport. F. Kennedy in New York, flight attendants reportedly reported a “vibration” during Flight 520 heading to Los Angeles, forcing the plane to turn around.
It was then that the crew realized that one of the slides linked to the emergency exit above the right wing of the Boeing 767, supposed to deploy during an emergency landing or ditching, did not was no longer in place, according to the American media.
The missing piece was reportedly located over the weekend on a beach pier in Queens, according to images shared on X and confirmed Monday by the New York City Parks Department.
“Delta removed a large piece of debris,” the department said in a statement.
For their part, the 176 passengers of the aircraft and the seven members of the crew were able to continue on board another aircraft to continue their journey, according to the American media.
This incident comes only a few months after a door came off mid-flight on a Boeing 737 on Alaska Airlines in January.