People with bipolar disorder experience distinct periods of euphoria and depression, during which the risk of suicide is higher. A new study compared death rates in bipolar disorder with common causes of death.
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A study finds that bipolar disorder increases the risk of premature death, much more than other isolated risk factors like smoking history or even age. According to the results published in the journal Psychiatry Research, a diagnosis of bipolar disorder was four to six times more likely to die over a ten-year period than someone without the illness. In this same study cohort, the mortality risk of people with a history of smoking was 2.5 times higher than that of people who had never smoked. It was 2.3 times higher for people aged over 60 than for others.
Typically, leading cause of death reports (such as the 2021 CDC report in the United States) do not include any psychiatric illnesses, because the reported cause is always ” the most immediate affection ”, according to the authors. These may include heart disease, stroke or even heart disease. liverliver. “ Bipolar disorder will never be on the certificatecertificate of death as the main cause of death, but it can contribute in an immediate or secondary manner “, said Anastasia Yocum, biomedical researcher and lead author of the study.
People with bipolar disorder experience distinct periods ofeuphoriaeuphoria (manic phase) and depression, during which the risk of self-harm and suicide is higher. During the manic phase, unintentional injuries are one of the leading causes of death. In addition, people with the disease often have other health problems that may explain this result, including diabetes, thyroid disorders,high blood pressurehigh blood pressure and of fibromyalgiafibromyalgia.