Researchers have shown that neurons linked to the musical instinct develop spontaneously after listening to various sounds, supporting an innate musical ability. The research was based on an AI model close to the functioning of the human brain.
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Is the ability to process the basic characteristics of music (also called “musical instinct”) innate or acquired through experience? Several experimental observations suggest that it develops naturally, without the aid of particular musical training. A new study used an AI model to achieve the same result. Published in Nature of communications, the research was therefore based on a neural networkneural network artificial, showing that music-selective neurons develop spontaneously after processing various natural sounds (from a large collection of sound data provided by GoogleGoogle).
These neurons would be similar to those of the human auditory cortex, which allows us to process musical information. Notably, the artificial neurons reacted selectively to various forms of music from different genres. For example, they reacted less to the sound of music broken up into short intervals.
An innate function, like an evolutionary adaptation
“ This spontaneous generation of music-selective neurons indicates that our ability to process music may be an innate cognitive function, formed as an evolutionary adaptation to better process natural sounds, summarize the researchers who also comment on the limitations of the research. This work does not, however, take into consideration the developmental process that follows music learning, and it should be noted that this is a study on the foundations of musical information processing during development. early “.