Today in Weird patientthe enigmatic disease of a 60-year-old Indian woman who has horns on her head!
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A resident of Makri, a small village in India, asks doctors in her country for help. Painful lumps have been growing on his skull for three years, causing him pain physicalphysical and mental. Doctors from the Panna district, to which the village of Makri depends, have not found the origin of his “horns. » By testifying in New Indiathe 60-year-old hopes that doctors in the country can treat her strange illness.
Horned humans
There are several diseases that cause the appearance of “horns” in various places on the human body. The most widespread are the so-called cutaneous horns because they are composed of dead keratin. It is a growth that appears on the skin or mucous membranes and whose shape is reminiscent of the horns of an animal. Often, it does not have a cancerous origin and the treatment simply consists of excising it by surgery. But these horns can also be a sign of cancer, particularly of carcinomacarcinomaof a melanomamelanoma or a syndromesyndrome by Kaposi. Despite everything, cutaneous horns remain rare clinical manifestations.
Human papillomaviruses (HPVHPV) are at the origin of wartswarts on the feet, hands and around the genitals. In some cases, these warts may resemble skin horns but the latter do not have the same composition. At microscopemicroscopewe can observe the presence of vacuolevacuole in the keratinocyteskeratinocytes but also virionsvirions of HPV, while the cutaneous horns are an agglutinate of keratin which is more reminiscent of the appearance of a nailnail. The horns of the resident of Makri, India, do not seem to correspond to any of these cases, and only extensive examinations will allow doctors to conclude on her case and finally relieve her pain.