It’s well known that eating garlic doesn’t only scare away vampires, even if the risk of encountering them is still quite low. If garlic has multiple taste and medicinal qualities, it also has the big disadvantage of giving bad breath. Researchers have found the solution to neutralize the culprit.
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Eat yogurt! It’s good for the bones, it’s true, but also — and against all odds, for bad breath when you’ve just devoured a nice casserole of snails.garlicgarlic — or buttered garlic bread, whatever you want. It’s scientifically proven! It’s no big deal not to have fresh breath when you’ve just treated yourself to a quality meal rich in beautiful traditional recipes, which draw their spice and flavor from garlic. There are garlic snails, potatoespotatoes steam and their aioli, the garlic bread (garlic bread),ajo blanco (cold Spanish soup made fromalmondsalmonds and garlic). So many tasty preparations which conversely complicate situations in the case of a romantic date…
The culprit for this inglorious smell is found in the cells of the garlic. When a pod is cut, two substances meet, namely alliin and alliinase, which produces the appearance of a third called allicin. It is this which is responsible not only for the characteristic scent of garlic, but also for the derivatives which will escape and coat our palate.
Yogurt, the ally of garlic-flavored snacks
Coffee, lemon, cloves, cinnamoncinnamon… For decades, remedies have been recommended to combat this bad breath, without ever really succeeding in satisfying the unfortunate person concerned. Eureka! American researchers from theOhio State University would have found the solution. Publishing their research in the scientific journal Moleculesthey spotted yogurt as a way to neutralize the unpleasant smell of raw garlic.
Stirred, Greek, skyr… There are a plethora of yogurt recipes; and what works best are pots that contain mattermatter oily. The fats and proteins embedded in the yogurt mix with the moleculesmolecules unpleasant garlic. American scientists have thus validated Greek yogurt as a “remedy” for this type of bad breath.
In 2010, a previous study of the same type, published by theInstitute of Food Technologists, had recommended milk as a way to combat a bad odor in the mouth caused by garlic. Here again, fats were presented as the effective antidote, as long as you chose whole milk.