One of the greatest challenges of modern physics is to find a coherent method for describing phenomena, on both cosmic and microscopic scales. For more than a hundred years, to describe reality on a cosmic scale, we have used the theory of general relativity, which has successfully undergone repeated attempts at falsification.
Albert Einstein curved space-time to describe gravity, and despite still open questions about dark matter or dark energy, this today seems to be the best method for analyzing the past and future of universe.
To describe phenomena at the scale of atoms, we use the second major theory: quantum mechanics, which differs from general relativity in almost everything. It uses flat space-time and a completely different mathematical apparatus and, above all, perceives reality in a radically different way.
In quantum description, the phenomena around us are just flickering probabilities of events that we can only measure with limited precision.
In an article published in Frontiers of physicsI managed to demonstrate that there is a method that combines the above descriptions, although it leads to a rather surprising conclusion.
Can curved spacetime be straightened?
It turns out that there is a certain mathematical object called the Alena Tensor, which makes it possible to describe physical phenomena in such a way that the curvature of space-time can be adjusted smoothly like using a cursor. In curved space-time, the equation naturally transforms into Einstein’s field equations, and in flat space-time, it allows the use of classical methods of relativistic physics and, more importantly, it is subject to a quantum description.
So far, I have managed to demonstrate that such a space-time cursor works for gravity and electromagnetism, and that the Alena Tensor allows additional fields to be added. It therefore seems possible to reconcile previously contradictory descriptions for other known domains.
A side effect of using the above method is that a certain element of the equation (the field invariant) behaves like a cosmological constant in Einstein’s field equations, which can help to explain the nature of dark energy. It also turns out that there must be an additional force besides gravity, which could help explain the nature of dark matter.
However, everything that is beautiful has its price…
What is the universe around us?
The conclusions of the article do not mean the end of work aimed at combining the two main theories. The proposed method requires much more in-depth research and careful adjustment of field descriptions. There is certainly new hope and a promising new direction for further research, so perhaps we will soon hear about other areas aligned with the space-time cursor.
However, using the proposed method comes with a certain price, which seems to be the biggest challenge. If the method I developed turns out to be the correct one that we have been looking for for 100 years, it will also mean that the entire world around us is just a field in constant wave, and that space-time itself -itself is only a means of perceiving. this field. This is the most extraordinary conclusion resulting from the equations described by Alena Tensor.
This story is part of Science X Dialog, where researchers can report the results of their published research articles. Visit this page for more information about ScienceX Dialog and how to get involved.
More information:
Piotr Ogonowski, Developed method: interactions and their quantum image, Frontiers of physics (2023). DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1264925. … 89/fphy.2023.1264925
Piotr Ogonowski is a researcher, manager and speaker with over 20 years of experience. He currently works as a lecturer at Kozminski University, Wasaw, Poland.
Quote: A method for straightening curved space-time (January 5, 2024) retrieved on January 5, 2024 from
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