A Phoenix, Arizona, resident was left speechless last Thursday as a hot air balloon reportedly tore into a light pole just outside her home, before crashing into her house as she filmed the impressive scene.
“She was torn. She was torn. I do not know what to do. It’s about to crash on top of my house, I’m right under it. Oh my god, oh my God, what am I doing?” can we hear the American Kara Giugliano say to the camera, in images reported by “USA Today” on X on Saturday.
Nine passengers were celebrating a birthday aboard a hot air balloon in Phoenix on Thursday when the pilot reportedly realized he was running out of fuel. It was then that he would have chosen an empty field, next to a house, to try to land, according to “Fox News”.
But the wind would then have carried the balloon to a light pole, which would have torn its wall, redirecting it towards the household, where Kara Giugliano was feeding her baby, amazed by the spectacle taking place at her window.
“I’m used to seeing hot air balloons out my window, which is pretty cool. But this one was just outside. The basket was right above the lamp post,” she continued.
Fortunately, the giant balloon was able to land without further problems, while the nine shaken passengers escaped without injury.