You might share more with your partner than meets the eye: a study has shown that, around the world, a person whose partner suffers from hypertension has a greater risk than the average population of suffer from it too!
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If your partner has high blood pressure, you might want to go to the doctor to get checked: an article published this month in the Journal of the American Heart Association revealed that in 20 to 47% of couples, both spouses suffer from high blood pressure! The study focused on American, English, Chinese or Indian couples, all heterosexual married or cohabiting, middle-aged to elderly. The prevalence of the disease in both members of the couple was highest in England and the United States, but partners whose spouse had high blood pressure were also more likely to have it in China and India.
A new study on health problems in couples
“Our study is the first to examine high blood pressure in couples from high- and middle-income countriessays co-lead author of the study Jithin Sam Varghese, research assistant professor at Emory University in Atlanta in a press release. We wanted to know if many married couples who often have the same interests, the same living environment, the same lifestyle habits and the same results in mattermatter could also share high blood pressure.
The positive answer to this question could make it possible to improve the detection and management of the disease: the researchers particularly suggest interventions based on the couple to improve the diagnosticdiagnostic and management of high blood pressure, such as screeningscreening as a couple, training in care or joint participation in treatment programs.