Good news for those who still believe in democracy and the rule of law: Joe Biden’s chances of defeating Donald Trump are less bad than many would suggest.
• Read also: United States: towards a new Trump-Biden duel
It is common for analysts of American politics here to contort themselves to appear “neutral” by minimizing Trump’s failings or amplifying those of Biden.
However, neutrality and objectivity are sometimes incompatible.
False neutrality
For example, on the show “On va se le dire”, Stéphan Bureau wrapped himself in a cloak of neutrality by borrowing half-truths and falsehoods from Trump’s repertoire, whose foreign policy he also says is often caricatured and is nothing to worry about.
Emmanuelle Latraverse deplored the “demonization” (sic) of Trumpists and suggested elsewhere that, in the secret documents affair, the suspicions against Biden are well worth the accusations against Trump. Normand Lester wrote here yesterday that Biden would be “the architect of his own downfall”. Other columnists call Biden spoiled or a mummy, or act as doctors to declare him senile.
By wanting to be “neutral”, we can end up neglecting objective reality. A look back at the last week can set the record straight (advanced).
A big week for Biden
After Super Tuesday confirmed that the Democratic electorate is more united behind him than the Republican electorate behind Trump, Joe Biden delivered a solid performance Thursday at the State of the Union address. Thirty million Americans saw it.
In addition to lying to those who disparaged his abilities, Biden attacked head-on Trumpian foreign policy, which would open the doors of Europe to Putin. This is not a caricature and it is worrying.
In the Republican response, the Trumpist strategy of lying to cultivate fear was exposed. It is not demonization to say that this is what the Trumpists want to hear, it is the truth.
On Tuesday, Congressional Republicans received the prosecutor who made a derogatory comment on Biden’s memory in his report in the documents affair. We learned on Tuesday that the transcript of Biden’s interviews flatly denied these claims. According to Robert Hur, Biden only kept his own handwritten notes (like Reagan before him), which he promptly returned upon request. Trump stole hundreds of top secret documents, actively resisted the investigation and refused to return the documents after a formal demand. It is not the same.
Go back up the slope
Joe Biden has a way to go, but the last week has shown that he can still be the architect of his own success.
Economic perceptions are still unfavorable, but the economy is doing well and forecasts are optimistic between now and the election. Inflation is under control, wage increases are catching up and exceeding price increases, job creation continues to impress and a reduction in interest rates is on the horizon. It is reality.
Voters will become aware of this reality at the same time as they hear Biden proclaim that it is linked to his policies, while his opponent only offers tax cuts for the better off… not to mention the 91 accusations criminal charges against him, which have nothing in common with the imaginary faults that Republicans accuse Biden of. That too is reality.