A careless error in the application DoorDash allowed a family to receive 200 chicken nuggets from McDonald’s, even though they initially only wanted 20.
Shared on social networks, the story quickly went viral. In just four days, the video had nearly 10 million views on TikTok.
“Where did the food we actually ordered go?” joked Jessica, author of the video, while her family burst out laughing as they opened the multiple boxes of kibble.
A second clip was necessary to reveal the rest of the gigantic order.
Screenshot Tiktok / @lynn_j_goat
Indeed, the majority of the purchase was supposed to be hamburgers, she indicated in a second video where she took the time to explain the incident dating from 2017.
By mistake
Jessica and her family, originally from Buffalo, New York, but living in Long Beach, California at the time, had invited the in-laws to visit their grandchild.
For the occasion, they decided to have it delivered. It was her husband, Chris’s, responsibility to use the DoorDash app to order some burgers and croquettes.
Thinking he was adding each McCroquette individually to the app, Chris inadvertently ordered 20 boxes of 10 chicken nuggets for the group – making a total of 200.
According to Jessica, Chris didn’t care about these details at all at that moment. “I think he said, ‘oh wow, it’s expensive,’ but I just thought, ‘well, who knows?’
They were unaware of the problem, even when their delivery person contacted them about the long wait, specifying that the order had to be prepared especially for them.
“We were like, ‘This is great. Fresh food!” she remembers.
Screenshot Tiktok / @lynn_j_goat
The DoorDash driver was “shocked,” she said, to see so few people bringing in the piles of kibble and sauces. “I was like, ‘Is this a joke?’” Jessica says.
In the end, the gang went to drop off the excess McCroquettes, while they were still warm, in a nearby area where homeless people lived.
“They were so happy,” she said in the video, smiling. “It was really great.”