The pumpkin, often associated with Halloween, is much more than just a decoration. It is not only a tasty ingredient for various dishes, but also a rich source of beta-carotene and fiber, providing numerous health benefits. Here are seven reasons to include pumpkin in your diet.
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Pumpkin is a nutritious orange vegetable rich in vitaminsvitamins And mineralsminerals. She is part of the family of squashsquashwhich also includes the pumpkinpumpkin. Here are seven good reasons to eat its seeds or flesh.
Beta-carotenes for eyesight and skin
There pumpkinpumpkin is a food rich in |cfd305094edfc2ff4672a26902531167|-carotenescarotenes, an orange pigment important for vision and skin protection. Pumpkin contains lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoidscarotenoids beneficial in preventing cataractcataract. On the skin, carotenoids have photoprotective properties and can limit the risk of “sunburn”. 100 g of pumpkin provides enough vitamin Avitamin A and provitamin A for the day in an adult.
Did you know ?
The body uses beta-carotenes to make vitamin A. This is why they are also called “provitamin A”.
Pumpkin, a source of vitamins for immunity
Squash can help you fight infections of thewinterwinter thanks to its content vitamin Cvitamin C and in acidacid folic (vitamin B9vitamin B9). A Cochrane Review suggests that vitamin C helps reduce durationduration of a cold, especially in children. 100 g of squash contains 9.6 mg of vitamin C, or about 10% of the recommended daily intake for adults.
Cardiovascular protection
The squash provides potassiumpotassium which is beneficial against high blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke. It is also a source of magnesium, a mineralmineral important for cardiovascular health. 100 g of pumpkin provides 206 mg of potassium and 23 mg of magnesiummagnesium.
Pumpkin against diabetes
Consumption of squash would help reduce blood sugarblood sugar. In a 2007 study, squash had interesting potential to combat hyperglycemia because it inhibits alpha-glucosidase activity (an activity enzymaticenzymatic which promotes the release of glucoseglucose) and has antioxidant activity. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are moleculesmolecules used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Pumpkin to prevent cancer
Beta-carotenes could prevent certain cancerscancersas the Prostate cancerProstate cancer or colon. For example, a 2014 study in a Japanese population showed that people who had high levels of zeaxanthin in their blood had fewer polyps and had a lower risk of cancer.
Fiber in pumpkins for weight loss
Pumpkins provide fiber that promotes digestiondigestion and can help lose weight by reducing feelings of hunger. By eating squash, you feel full. Squash contains a lot of water and provides few calories.
Pumpkin seeds for good mood and good sleep
Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophantryptophan. This amino acidamino acid is used to produce serotoninserotonin which plays a role in mood. Lack of serotonin seems to promote anxiety and symptomssymptoms depressed. Serotonin also participates in the regulation of the wake-wake cycle.sleepsleep.